TikTok viral Dump & bake chicken dish by Busy Mom Life CO

On the menu tonight is the TikTok viral dump & bake chicken dish by creator Busy Mom Life CO. A delicious meal that’s easy and affordable to make! 

All you need is: 
- Rice (pre cook separately for best results)
- 2 chicken breasts (scored)
- 2 tins of condensed chicken soup
- 1 tin full of chicken stock
- 1/2 a head of broccoli
- A packet of grated cheese
- A packet of French onion soup
Salt & pepper to taste

Prepare it all in an oven dish (minus the cheese & rice), cover it in aluminium foil, and cook in the oven for an hour at 170 degrees Celsius, then it take out and top with cheese, put it back in the oven for 15 minutes or so, and then serve with rice.

Super simple, and enjoyable for everyone!

 Thanks for reading!


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