Introduction to Eating with Hunter

Hi there, and welcome to Eating with Hunter. I’m a mum, living in Australia, who’s facing the challenge of making up a couple of lunchboxes a week for my son to eat at Kindergarten. We’re fortunate enough to have no allergies or aversions. We tried a whole variety of foods with him when he turned 6 months old, and so he’s not a picky eater - thankfully! 

I started my original Instagram page, Eating with Hunter, when little man was 8 months old, to document all the awesome food he was trying whilst doing the baby led weaning approach. We also have a Facebook page that I shared our ideas on BLW groups there.

Now that he’s almost 3 and a half, and we’re starting Kinder next week. I want to start posting on there more, as well as writing this blog, to show what kinds of things I’m putting in his lunchbox. Hopefully to help other parents with ideas, and maybe get some fresh ideas in return.

And I’m happy to share some of our earlier meals for parents with younger kids too!

I also run another blog, Life with the Lamsays, where we share our family adventures. We have a few food related posts over there too, like ice creamery’s we’ve tried, family friendly places to eat in our local area etc. So feel free to head over there to have a read of those too.

I hope to make this page informative, as well as fun, so make sure you’re following along to make sure you don’t miss our next post!

Thanks for reading!


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